Do have a look at our eBay shop where you will find hundreds of fascinating auction items from vintage toys to collectable pottery, from designer clothing to electronics and everything in-between. As with our high street charity shops all proceeds are donated to Katharine House Hospice.
We have new items coming in every week and you don’t need an eBay account to browse. Get online today and get your charity shop bargains delivered to your doorstep!
Become an eBay volunteer
We couldn’t run our eBay store without the invaluable assistance of our volunteers. There is so much potential for this branch of fundraising so if you would be interested in becoming a volunteer in this fun and exciting department do get in touch. We are looking for anyone with a good working knowledge of computers, and more importantly, people who use eBay and/or have knowedge of or an interest in collectables/antiques/vintage clothing/vintage toys, etc. If you would like to become an eBay volunteer, contact our voluntary services department on 01785 254645 or email
We always rely upon the generous donations of our supporters to keep our shops filled with quality stock. If you would like to donate any unwanted items to our ebay shop please drop them in to any of our shops, or our warehouse.
We always need
Collectors items
designer clothing
vintage goods